Monday, April 21, 2008

Women's Health Advocacy For Women Golfers

Playing your best golf demands peak performance.

You will find the game of golf transcends the physical prowess other sports require. Golf instead requires a combination of attributes; physical, mental, spiritual, and some serious long term concentration. If you play golf regularly you know a typical round will last about 4 hours, and few sports require your attention for that many hours.

It is this reason golf exhausts the whole body. In fact most golfers will remark golf is 10% physical and 90% mental. While this is widely accepted, the reality is if you ignore preparing yourself physically, the mental aspect of the game will quickly produce physical swing flaws. Because this game is played using a composition of attributes we have gathered a variety of health topics that are related to golf for your review. Our goal is too help women golfers understand how they can prepare for their best round of golf ever played.

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